Leadership School

The key to a successful school is inspiring each and every child to achieve his/her highest potential. Inspired and confident children will be prepared to lead a successful life.

“We are leaders. We help build a better world.” This student empowerment statement is the driving focus of everything we do at Eagle Crest. We believe all students have leadership potential, and it is our job to guide them to becoming leaders. Our program is multifaceted and dynamic. From learning about how to manage our feelings and actions, to service learning projects, to running school assemblies, Eagle Crest students develop leadership skills throughout their entire school experience. 

We also provide an array of extra leadership opportunities for students such as the Communication and Tech Teams, Competitive Robotics Teams, WeBot Robotics for all 5th graders, Mwebaza Annex Team, and a STEM Explorers/ Eco EaglesResource Wise Team. We believe students need to practice leading in order to gain the confidence necessary to believe they can build a better world.

Eagle Crest Elementary School